迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒



史蒂芬.波吉斯博士(Stephen Porges, PhD)(印地安那大學金賽性、性別與生殖研究中心科學家、北卡羅萊那州大學精神病學教授、於一九九四年提出「多重迷走神經理論」,引起極大的迴響。)

我與史丹利初次見面是二○○二年六月的事,當時我受邀至巴爾的摩的美國身心治療學會會議發表演說。演說的前晚,我收到了詹姆士.歐須曼(James Oschman)的簡訊,問我能不能與史丹利一起出席。他說我一定會對史丹利的研究工作很感興趣。隔天演講結束後,史丹利說他想取得像心率變化這類的客觀數據,來證實他正在進行的臨床研究成果。

當時我滿好奇他的研究,也很想進一步了解他的研究方法,以及他想檢測迷走神經功能的原因。交談之中,我隨口提到我患有腰椎滑脫症,也就是有一節脊椎骨往前脫位的現象。他回了一句:「我能搞定。」我便追問他大概要多久時間才能治好。他回答只要十到十五秒鐘!這時,我的心中充滿疑問,完全猜不透短短十到十五秒他能做什麼。我知道史丹利有魯爾夫治療法(Rolfing,又譯羅夫法)和顱薦骨療法(craniosacral techniques)的訓練背景,因此我原先推斷,這至少要做好幾次療程才能看見成效。過去我在骨科有豐富的就診經驗,因此對於身心治療法能否發揮作用抱著懷疑的態度,而他所謂幾秒鐘內見效的說法,更是完全顛覆了我的想像。











神經內科醫師、費登奎斯老師(GCFP) 易之新
高雄快樂心靈診所精神科醫師 陳豐偉



◆ 睡不飽、精神差,有如行屍走肉,對一切事物提不起勁
◆ 發生一點小事就反應劇烈,開始怪東怪西、怨天尤人
◆ 沉迷於遊戲、迴避社交活動,出現暴力與憂鬱傾向
◇ 偏頭痛、肩頸痠、呼吸困難、習慣性咬緊牙關或磨牙
◇ 壓力大就想吃大餐,造成脹氣、便祕、腹瀉、胃酸過多





◆ 詳述自律神經系統三大迴路、五種狀態,以及相對應的情緒感受
◆ 從神經系統有效改善憂鬱、焦慮、泛自閉症、創傷後壓力症候群
◆ 自主檢測、調整迷走神經功能,不到三分鐘,迅速找回健康
◆ 七種動作教學,有效改善肩頸問題、偏頭痛、脊椎側彎及情緒困擾


──史蒂芬‧波吉斯博士(Stephen Porges, PhD)

──湯姆‧梅爾斯(Tom Myers),《解剖學訓練》(Anatomy Trains)作者

──詹姆士‧歐須曼博士(James Oschman, PhD),《能量醫學》(Energy Medicine)作者


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迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

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迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Start your review of 迷走神經的自我檢測與治癒:自律神經系統的關鍵,深受壓力所苦的人自我療癒的絕佳寶典

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

His background in bodywork is steeped in intuition that, while may sounding repetitive within certain chapters, starts to show deep insight by the end. You could skip straight to the exercises he provides, but then you wouldn't understand the mechanics, which he goes into painstaking detail. As much as I've read in this field (10+ books), his book is the first to translate all the theoretical understandings around trauma and the vagus nerve into direct, hands-on practices for everyday people to His background in bodywork is steeped in intuition that, while may sounding repetitive within certain chapters, starts to show deep insight by the end. You could skip straight to the exercises he provides, but then you wouldn't understand the mechanics, which he goes into painstaking detail. As much as I've read in this field (10+ books), his book is the first to translate all the theoretical understandings around trauma and the vagus nerve into direct, hands-on practices for everyday people to use to ground themselves. His generosity, in this regard, and his each-one-teach-one philosophy truly shines through his book. Given the often highly proprietary practices within the trauma field right now where many innovators require interested parties to shell out hundreds of dollars to learn their techniques, Rosenberg's book is a refreshingly distinct departure as he freely shares his from his own professed desire to get this information out to as many people as possible. This book is great for everyone, but especially therapists, bodyworkers, and other healers. I gave it a 5 because of what he does, even though I do think his writing could have been better condensed in certain chapters.

UPDATE: I don’t think this book is selling itself as a panacea to trauma and/or other issues. His ideas are simple: these techniques are for gently guiding your body to another state of regulation, and these techniques work best, if they work at all, if they are practiced often and mindfully. I know this author is getting a lot of negative reviews for his thoughts on autism that he shares. I think many of the critiques have important points. The rub is we are still learning about autism, including if autism comes with particular physiological issues. I identify personally and believe deeply in the framework of neurodiversity and neurodivergence. The fascinating thing about being human is how we can have mostly the same parts and be different from each other. To me, it makes sense that we can have the same hardware of a brain and a nervous system, and that our unique software means we experience sensations differently. For a less controversial aspect of being human, like extroversion/introversion, there’s a ton of science that shows extroverts and introverts respond to the same stimuli radically differently in their nervous systems. Sound is a good example. I think as autism becomes less stigmatized and pathologized, we can more fully and openly discuss what people with autism experience and whether techniques such as what is offered in this book support them in regulating their nervous system.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

I read this book a few months ago, but apparently Goodreads ate my review and the book doesn't even show up on my "Read" list, so I'll try to just summarize my comments from memory (they weren't very long).

The neuroscience in the book is a mess. The statements about autism are ignorant and possibly dangerous. (Changing the shape of the head to treat autism???) The actual physical exercises are reasonably nice and have helped me decrease tension in my neck and shoulders, though the text portrays

I read this book a few months ago, but apparently Goodreads ate my review and the book doesn't even show up on my "Read" list, so I'll try to just summarize my comments from memory (they weren't very long).

The neuroscience in the book is a mess. The statements about autism are ignorant and possibly dangerous. (Changing the shape of the head to treat autism???) The actual physical exercises are reasonably nice and have helped me decrease tension in my neck and shoulders, though the text portrays them as a panacea, which they most certainly aren't.

If you're interested in picking this up, I'd recommend just trying the exercises and ignoring the rest.
Source of the book: Lawrence Public Library


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

As other reviewers have stated, this book was dry, boring, deeply ableist, and made many oversimplifications and generalizations. It is painfully, and I mean painfully repetitive. The first 50% of the book could have easily been cut in half. It often seemed as if each chapter was written to stand alone, often full sentences were repeated from one chapter to the next.
I don't think Rosenberg knew what audience he was writing for as it alternates between technical, academic and layperson language.
As other reviewers have stated, this book was dry, boring, deeply ableist, and made many oversimplifications and generalizations. It is painfully, and I mean painfully repetitive. The first 50% of the book could have easily been cut in half. It often seemed as if each chapter was written to stand alone, often full sentences were repeated from one chapter to the next.
I don't think Rosenberg knew what audience he was writing for as it alternates between technical, academic and layperson language. It lacked examples to help the reader understand the anatomy and physiology aspects and when examples were included it was near always a 100% cure in one session. Bullshit. Basically, it was a mess.

For the most part, the way he talks about autism and autistic people was offensive, patronizing and full of stigma. "Defective", in need of "cure", "a challenge", "the emotional toll", "the cost of autism." He also talked about ensuring autistic children feel safe and respected which frankly can't be done when you believe they are also defective.

I really liked the separation of post-traumatic stress from post-traumatic shutdown and think this could be incredibly useful for treatment and understanding of how PTSD functions. I also really like the idea of an assessment of nervous system function becoming a routine part of doctor's appointments and medical practice. That would be amazing! I'm also curious about the exercises presented at the end and will be trying them out.

I will be reading Stephen Porges next as I'm still very curious to learn more about Polyvagal theory which this book totally failed at teaching me.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

I was drawn to this book based on the idea of dealing with the physical toll of stress. I actually didn’t seek this out in regards to autism, despite having autism myself. I shudder at the thought of parents of autistic children reading this book and getting it in their head that they can cure their child’s disorder. A fair warning to all people with autism who may stumble across this book as I did - This entire book is based on fixing a persons ability to interact socially and you will not feel I was drawn to this book based on the idea of dealing with the physical toll of stress. I actually didn’t seek this out in regards to autism, despite having autism myself. I shudder at the thought of parents of autistic children reading this book and getting it in their head that they can cure their child’s disorder. A fair warning to all people with autism who may stumble across this book as I did - This entire book is based on fixing a persons ability to interact socially and you will not feel very good after hearing about your “defective” genes.

In terms of the other points of the book; Listening to this book at double speed did nothing to help how much it droned on and repeated itself. The entire first part of this book (which is about 90% of it) could easily be cut in half. There is a distinct feeling the author is trying to sound as credible and scientifically sound as possible to the average person reading or listening.

If anyone is interested in the polyvagal theory I would recommend seeking out the mind behind it, Stephen W. Porges.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Fascinating practical application of Porges' Polyvagal theory and how regulation of the cranial nerves can impact us in surprising ways.

A very useful update of the understanding of the stress response and related states. Stress & relaxation are insufficient descriptors on their own and the polyvagal theory offers a much more rounded understanding: adding mobilised with and without fear, and immobilised with and without fear - allowing for greater understanding and potential treatment of these st

Fascinating practical application of Porges' Polyvagal theory and how regulation of the cranial nerves can impact us in surprising ways.

A very useful update of the understanding of the stress response and related states. Stress & relaxation are insufficient descriptors on their own and the polyvagal theory offers a much more rounded understanding: adding mobilised with and without fear, and immobilised with and without fear - allowing for greater understanding and potential treatment of these states.

Rosenberg's self-help exercises and treatment techniques are adapted from craniosacral therapy and osteopathy and surprisingly effective for being so minimal - proving in and of themselves that the point is to activate the body to fix itself rather than apply a fix to it.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

A nice example of an alternative health practitioner cherry picking bits of science they feel add credibility to their pre-existing beliefs.

Fails to show any link between Porges' excellent research and his own practices. Makes unjustifiable generalisations about the functions of the vagus nerve that are oversimplifications of the actual research.

A nice example of an alternative health practitioner cherry picking bits of science they feel add credibility to their pre-existing beliefs.

Fails to show any link between Porges' excellent research and his own practices. Makes unjustifiable generalisations about the functions of the vagus nerve that are oversimplifications of the actual research.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

I found this rather unhelpful and very ableist. Autistic people aren't defective, as this book seems to imply. Autism and ADHD aren't behavioural problems. I cannot recommend this to other autistic people. I found this rather unhelpful and very ableist. Autistic people aren't defective, as this book seems to imply. Autism and ADHD aren't behavioural problems. I cannot recommend this to other autistic people. ...more

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

circuitous and repetitive, ableist language around ASD, but valuable physical exercises for ANS regulation

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Some really interesting nuggets of information scattered over a repetitive landscape.

Rosenberg makes many generalisations, and some spurious conjecture. For example, whilst listing symptoms of depression, “people with a diagnosis of depression... are often plagued by the aches and pains of fibromyalgia”. Are they though? 🧐
People with fibromyalgia often have depression, yes, and depression can deepen a fibromyalgia patient’s experience of pain, but I think it’s inaccurate to say that fibromyalg

Some really interesting nuggets of information scattered over a repetitive landscape.

Rosenberg makes many generalisations, and some spurious conjecture. For example, whilst listing symptoms of depression, “people with a diagnosis of depression... are often plagued by the aches and pains of fibromyalgia”. Are they though? 🧐
People with fibromyalgia often have depression, yes, and depression can deepen a fibromyalgia patient’s experience of pain, but I think it’s inaccurate to say that fibromyalgia is a symptom of depression. Depression can cause aches and pains, but it’s not at all the same as fibromyalgia.

It’s also unfortunate that the way he talks about autism is problematic. That it’s a tragedy. That people with autism need to be cured.

I’m not well enough to do the exercises for ANS regulation, so I can’t attest to those, although I know many have benefited from them.

I have no doubt over Rosenberg’s skills as a body therapist or osteopath, however this book could have been much more carefully written.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

DNF - This book is deeply ableist. Rosenberg has years of experience in the field of bodywork but no qualifications in mental health care. He makes very bold claims about conditions such as depression and autism without nuance or consideration of the social stigmas that affect them.

The chapter on autism was offensive--a perfect example of how ableism harms our community.

The only thing I would recommend are the exercises to relieve pressure on cranial nerves. Meanwhile, I'll be waiting on a book

DNF - This book is deeply ableist. Rosenberg has years of experience in the field of bodywork but no qualifications in mental health care. He makes very bold claims about conditions such as depression and autism without nuance or consideration of the social stigmas that affect them.

The chapter on autism was offensive--a perfect example of how ableism harms our community.

The only thing I would recommend are the exercises to relieve pressure on cranial nerves. Meanwhile, I'll be waiting on a book that discusses the vagus nerve in a way that is intersectional and inclusive to marginalized peoples.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Somewhat disorganized, dry, and repetitive. Reads a bit like a textbook.
That said, the theories are really interesting, and I get what the author is saying, but an editor would've been a great idea for this book to provide some organization and flavor.
A video version of the exercises would be helpful.
Somewhat disorganized, dry, and repetitive. Reads a bit like a textbook.
That said, the theories are really interesting, and I get what the author is saying, but an editor would've been a great idea for this book to provide some organization and flavor.
A video version of the exercises would be helpful.

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

I read this to see if I could gain valuable information about managing my chronic pain and fatigue and I did gain a lot but it was hard to listen to and try figure out how the exercises were meant to look so ended up watching Stanley's YouTube videos instead. I read this to see if I could gain valuable information about managing my chronic pain and fatigue and I did gain a lot but it was hard to listen to and try figure out how the exercises were meant to look so ended up watching Stanley's YouTube videos instead. ...more

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Extremely clinical with a lot of info/research that I wanted to learn about! Very helpful

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

I found the activities and exercises in this book to be helpful and was able to easily grasp the logic of why they helped as they did. What wasn’t easy to grasp was the painstaking detail of ailments across a very broad spectrum that would better suit other academics rather than laypersons. As such, I could only maintain focus by reading this in very short spurts...hence the time it took to finally finish it.

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

This book is great for understanding the anatomical and physiological aspects of the vagus nerve. It helped me grasp the differences between the dorsal and ventral vagus in ways that I could explain to my patients. It also provided some details that were not discussed by other books. For example, the hybrid forms that integrate both dorsal and ventral and definitely impact our behavior/emotions.

The author is not a psychologist. He is a bodyworker who does craniosacral massage and his expertise i

This book is great for understanding the anatomical and physiological aspects of the vagus nerve. It helped me grasp the differences between the dorsal and ventral vagus in ways that I could explain to my patients. It also provided some details that were not discussed by other books. For example, the hybrid forms that integrate both dorsal and ventral and definitely impact our behavior/emotions.

The author is not a psychologist. He is a bodyworker who does craniosacral massage and his expertise is the body, not the mind. He presents a number of physical exercises that are probably useful but it seems that he makes exaggerated claims for their psychological effects.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

This book helped me a lot; the writing isn't great but the exercises are, and they are really easy to do. This book helped me a lot; the writing isn't great but the exercises are, and they are really easy to do. ...more

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

I purchased this book after following some online tutorials for exercises to reset the vagus nerve and calm the nervous system. Each video I saw credited their exercises to this book and it's author. It offers an accessible, detailed explanation of understanding cranial nerves as key to our psychological and physical well-being. It also provides easy to follow simple exercises to help yourself at home. The instructions are clear and concise, with detailed diagrams and photographs for support. I I purchased this book after following some online tutorials for exercises to reset the vagus nerve and calm the nervous system. Each video I saw credited their exercises to this book and it's author. It offers an accessible, detailed explanation of understanding cranial nerves as key to our psychological and physical well-being. It also provides easy to follow simple exercises to help yourself at home. The instructions are clear and concise, with detailed diagrams and photographs for support. I have been very pleased with the positive effects I have noticed from following them. I find the theory fascinating. I would recommend this book to anyone who wishes to explore how the vagus nerve regulates our bodies and wants to learn quick, effective means to reset it. ...more

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Much of this was deeply repetitive and often times felt like the author was continuously mansplaining and intentionally making it more technical in order to add validity to his claims.

Whether or not this is pseudoscience or not remains to be seen. Much of the literature out there shows that from the small test groups that it has promise, but they're so small we don't know how helpful it truly is (think placebo effect).

All I know is that if this does half of what Rosenberg preaches it could rea

Much of this was deeply repetitive and often times felt like the author was continuously mansplaining and intentionally making it more technical in order to add validity to his claims.

Whether or not this is pseudoscience or not remains to be seen. Much of the literature out there shows that from the small test groups that it has promise, but they're so small we don't know how helpful it truly is (think placebo effect).

All I know is that if this does half of what Rosenberg preaches it could really change some lives. I will be researching much of the exercises and at least giving them a go.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Exercises from this book are great! They are so easy and simple that you'd think it's a BS, but actually they work. After doing them I felt very relaxed and my mood changed to better, also movement in neck was much better.

Everything before exercises part is kinda boring and is not needed to read it all. You can just skim through it what interests you and jump in to exercises.

Exercises from this book are great! They are so easy and simple that you'd think it's a BS, but actually they work. After doing them I felt very relaxed and my mood changed to better, also movement in neck was much better.

Everything before exercises part is kinda boring and is not needed to read it all. You can just skim through it what interests you and jump in to exercises.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

While I can't comment on the whole book at this moment, I can say it helped me, and the main advice of the book actually works, give it a shot! While I can't comment on the whole book at this moment, I can say it helped me, and the main advice of the book actually works, give it a shot! ...more

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

I wish I took more notes with this book. I want to learn more.

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

There's some amazing information in this book, and if the exercises work the way they're supposed to, I'll be thrilled. There's some amazing information in this book, and if the exercises work the way they're supposed to, I'll be thrilled. ...more

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Probably very informative if you’re a bodywork practitioner, but if you’re looking for practical tips to help your own health, just skip to the exercises at the end.

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Explains the impact of the introduction of the Polyvagal system in 1994 by Stephen Porges. I am doing the exercises every day to stimulate the ventral vagal response as I work my way through pain, insomnia, and fatigue due to a reactivation of Lyme Disease.

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

On a path to improvement …

I picked up this book after an acquaintance commented that the exercises had helped them with some issues they had attributed to overstimulation of the vagus nerve. I was intrigued. Sceptical, but intrigued. And so, I launched into the (new to me) polyvagal theory of Steven Porges which Stanley Rosenberg has drawn on to explain how cranial nerves (especially the vagus nerve) has a strong role in determining our psychological and emotional state. I read that if we unders

On a path to improvement …

I picked up this book after an acquaintance commented that the exercises had helped them with some issues they had attributed to overstimulation of the vagus nerve. I was intrigued. Sceptical, but intrigued. And so, I launched into the (new to me) polyvagal theory of Steven Porges which Stanley Rosenberg has drawn on to explain how cranial nerves (especially the vagus nerve) has a strong role in determining our psychological and emotional state. I read that if we understand the physiology of the autonomic nervous system and practice some simple exercises to restore proper vagal functioning, we can learn how to improve our emotional state within seconds.

‘Some of us might seek the assistance of a therapist, coach or teacher. The important thing is not what these health care professionals call their method, or what positive results they claim they can deliver, but whether or not their methods actually work for us.’

I read through Part One, with its detailed explanation of cranial nerves, the polyvagal theory and how craniosacral therapy can assist, read the case studies included, and turned to Part Two to tackle the exercises. Actually, I have only tackled the Basic Exercise because it is simple, I find it relaxing, and I can do it on my own.

Does it work? Well, given that I am not actually trying these self-help exercises to help me with ‘Anxiety, Depression, Trauma or Autism’, I really cannot comment. I am wary of self-help exercises that make such claims. For myself, I find the Basic Exercise relaxing, and there are a number of YouTube videos demonstrating the technique for anyone interested (search for ‘Stanley Rosenberg Basic Exercise’).

And now, with my curiosity satisfied, I will return the book to the library.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

This was a slogger. It has great information and even valuable information, though when you really want to be reading something else....!
I think the information presented was good. The way it was written was maybe too detailed for a layperson. I just kept thinking that if all of these things are true, then why aren't they more mainstream?
You can bet that I will be looking more into the exercises and connections that were noted. When I read about the ADHD, autism, depression, hearing, digestio
This was a slogger. It has great information and even valuable information, though when you really want to be reading something else....!
I think the information presented was good. The way it was written was maybe too detailed for a layperson. I just kept thinking that if all of these things are true, then why aren't they more mainstream?
You can bet that I will be looking more into the exercises and connections that were noted. When I read about the ADHD, autism, depression, hearing, digestion and organ disruptions it felt a bit alarming if we/medical field/massage therapists/acupuncturists know this and aren't doing more about it.
It was uncanny to read about the head tilting forward, about flat head connections and the "normal" hearing tests for ADHD. It was interesting to learn more about evolutionary changes within the body and the whys for a number of misconnection and embriotic stages.
This book was different than I expected (deeper information, good background and research information) and I did like the suggested exercises at the end because they do round the author's research and ideas.

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Find the exercises, skip the book

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

a lot of solid information in this book...but it's tediously repetitive. could use significant editing. also, reading 200+ pages of that before getting to the exercises, not a good look. i recommend reading a physical copy, so you can easily flip to the last section and experiment with the practical bits, while still reading the theory.

that being said, the exercises are deeply valuable. it took some experimentation to get the feel of them, but i'm seeing some good results. these are not *cures*

a lot of solid information in this book...but it's tediously repetitive. could use significant editing. also, reading 200+ pages of that before getting to the exercises, not a good look. i recommend reading a physical copy, so you can easily flip to the last section and experiment with the practical bits, while still reading the theory.

that being said, the exercises are deeply valuable. it took some experimentation to get the feel of them, but i'm seeing some good results. these are not *cures* for the things listed in the subtitle, but ways to remediate negative effects. though i would not be surprised to see a decrease in symptoms with extended use for *some* of these things.


迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Most of us experience stress, anxiety, and pain in our daily lives, some even without noticing it. Whereby many people would treat these symptoms with pharmaceuticals or surgery. The author, a Craniosacral therapist argues that simple therapies that activate the ventral vagus nerve could alleviate these symptoms without medical intervention. One of these therapies is a two-minute exercise called the Basic Exercise. Immediately after the exercise, I felt something was shifting in the brain or the Most of us experience stress, anxiety, and pain in our daily lives, some even without noticing it. Whereby many people would treat these symptoms with pharmaceuticals or surgery. The author, a Craniosacral therapist argues that simple therapies that activate the ventral vagus nerve could alleviate these symptoms without medical intervention. One of these therapies is a two-minute exercise called the Basic Exercise. Immediately after the exercise, I felt something was shifting in the brain or the nerve, at ease and breathing more fully. ...more

迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

Ever since reading this book, the concepts related to polyvagal theory keep popping up! I just finished another, completely unrelated book where it was spoken of in some depth as well. Before I had finished reading this one, I taught a client to use a couple of the techniques, and a couple of days later she woke up and found her Lyme symptoms had temporarily ceased! I have taught the exercises to my kids and will continue to work from this new paradigm. Excellent work!

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迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒

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迷走神經 的 自我 檢測 與 治癒