人數 英文

of deaths have even been reported. Moreover, the serious cross-infection in kindergartens and primary schools, together with the confusion about the Government's decision in class suspension arrangements, have caused panic among parents and aroused criticisms in the community.

政府防控一般季節性流感及人類豬型流感的策略,有3個目標。第 一是保障全體市民的公共健康,第二是減 低 感染人數 及 減 慢疾病傳播速 度,以及第三是減少受感染人士出現併發症。

The Government's strategy on the prevention and control of


common seasonal influenza

[...] and human swine influenza has three objectives: first, safeguarding public health; second, reducing the number of infected cases and slowing [...]

the spread of the disease;


and, third, minimizing the development of complications in those infected.

以截至4月16日的數字為例,累積 感染人數 有 1, 268人,其中有257人康復出院,61人死亡,若死亡率以61除1,268計算,是4.8%,無疑與3%相距不遠,但那1,268人中大部份仍在治療中,當中感染者仍有可能最終失救死亡。

The author understands the good intention behind this theory, yet could not agree with such an assertion. For instance, as of April 16, there were a total of 1,268 infected cases accumulated, of which 257 recovered and have been discharged from the hospitals, whilst 61 died.

文章指出,62%被訪市民擔心自己感染 非 典型肺炎;擔心其 家 人染 病 的, 為 數 更 達 76%。

The article pointed out that 62% of the respondents were


worried about catching the disease

[...] themselves, while 76% expressed concerns on their family's possibility of being infected.

報告也指出,內㆞恢復供港冰鮮雞會使市場對活家禽的 需求和售賣活家禽的數量減少,而感染 H5N1 病毒的風險 也會減低。

The Report also noted that the import of Mainland chilled chickens would resume and that a


reduction in the demand for live poultry and in the volume of the live

[...] poultry trade would reduce the risk of H5N1 infection.




[...] 對安老院舍的支援;增設觀察地方及臨時地方,以解決急症科 病房容量有限的問題,以及減少內科病房不必要的入院安排; 加開病房及/或病床,以應付兒科、內科及老人科病人的額外 需求;增加兒科、內科及老人科病房的巡房 次 數 , 以 確保及早 安排病人出院 ;以及把急症病房的探病時間限於每日兩小時, 以預防交叉感染。

This included promoting hand hygiene in all HA hospitals and clinics; enhancing support to residential care homes for the elderly by Community Geriatric Assessment Service, Community Nursing Service and Visiting Medical Officer programmes; creating additional observation areas and temporary areas to solve the capacity limitation of Emergency Medical Wards and reduce unnecessary admission to medical wards; opening additional wards and/or additional beds to accommodate the extra demand by paediatric, medical and geriatric patients; more frequent ward rounds in paediatric,

[...] [...] geriatric wards to ensure early discharge of patients; and restricting visiting hours to acute wards to two hours per day to prevent cross infections.

莫斯科办事处不仅在教育领域、也在文化和社会科学 领域扩大了对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的干预,包括关于“应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的当代艺术” 和“通过在人权领域的教育和将艾滋病毒/艾滋 病 感染人 群 融 入社会在俄罗斯区域解决 艾滋病毒/艾滋病流行病的社会后果”的项目。

The Moscow Office intervention in the field of HIV/AIDS has expanded not only in education, but also in culture and social science areas, with projects on “Contemporary arts in response to HIV/AIDS” and “Addressing social consequences of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russian regions through information and education in the sphere of human rights and social integration of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)”.


[...] 武装冲突中儿童)的处境,支持执行安全理事会关于妇女在和平进程中的作用的 各项决议,应对弱势群体和处于不利地位群体(尤其是境内流离失所者、难民以 及患有或感染艾滋 病毒/艾滋病者)所面临的短 期 人 道 主 义挑战。

This component will focus on strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights, with special attention to the situation of women and children, especially children in armed conflict, in support of the implementation of Security Council resolutions on women in the peace process and to address the short-term humanitarian challenges faced by vulnerable


and disadvantaged groups, notably

[...] internally displaced persons, refugees and persons living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

(6) 說明附件1是否根據一般監測站錄得的空氣 污 染 指 數 擬 備 ;若 然,該附件未必能夠如實反映空氣污染對需要長時間在路邊 工作的人造成的影響。

(6) To advise whether Attachment 1 has been worked out using air pollution indices from general monitoring stations and if so, this may not be able [...] [...]

the impacts of air pollution on people who have to work long hours at road side.

此外,在設計 醫院時,不單要預留足夠的空間,以應付人口老化的實際需要,更要深入考



[...] 之間的緊密聯繫,以加快醫院內部的輸送流程;不同病人及探病訪客的適當 分隔,以減低醫院內交叉感染的機 會,減輕醫 護 人 員 面 對的工作壓力,減低 出錯的機會,從而提升整體醫院服務的質素。

In addition, when designing hospitals, not only is it necessary to provide sufficient space to meet the actual needs of an ageing population, it is also necessary to give in-depth consideration to facilitating the work of health care personnel, the auxiliary facilities required by various specialist blocks and the close links among them, with a view to speeding up the transfer flow within hospitals and segregating patients and


visitors appropriately to

[...] reduce the likelihood of cross-infections in hospitals, so as to ease [...]

the pressure borne by health


care personnel and reduce the chance of making mistakes, so as to raise the quality of hospital services as a whole.

[...] 映護理成效,這些數據包括再度入院率、死亡 / 感染 的 統 計 數 字 及 住院時間等;亦需 要數據反映護理程序,包括某類治療或服務的入院準則的遵行情況;更需要數據反映 [...]


Generally speaking, data are required to reflect outcome of


care in terms of hospital

[...] re-admission rate, mortality/infection statistics and length [...]

of stay; process of care including


the degree of compliance with admission criteria to specific treatment or services; appropriate use of resources such as caesarean section rate and utilization of computerized tomography.

b) 當建議的新指數系統證實可予接受時,開發一個可隨即使用的系 統,並隨附內容詳盡的使用手冊、所需軟件和全面 的 人 員 培 訓課 程;以及提議一項詳細計劃,確保現行空氣 污 染 指 數 公 布 系統順 利過渡至新公布系統。

b) when the proposed new API reporting system is found to be acceptable, to develop the turn-key system to come with detailed instruction manuals, necessary software and a thorough staff training package; and to recommend a detailed plan for smooth transition from the existing to the new reporting system.

或許有 意見認為 流感時 常 有,感 染 高 峰 期 在香港更每年 有 兩 次 ,大家皆 對 流感十分熟悉, 感 染 數 字 也跟以 往 差 不 多, 無須過分緊張。

Perhaps some may think that as influenza is


very common in Hong Kong,

[...] with two peak infection seasons every year, the public should be very familiar with influenza.

教科文组织的一些办事 处(阿皮亚、温得和克、达卡、内罗毕、圣多明各、阿拉木图和莫斯科)开办了培训政 策人 员和 决策者的地区性和国家级的研习班。这些培训班以在校学习活动为主,目的在于减少对 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的易感染性和 危险,以保证综合实施国家全民教育行动计划中的预防教 育。

Several UNESCO Offices (Apia, Windhoek, Dakar, Nairobi, Santo Domingo, Almaty and Moscow) implemented regional and national workshops for training of policy- and decision-makers on school-based activities to reduce risk and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in order to ensure the integration of preventive education in EFA national action plans.

(c) 采取措施,在工人的疾病或感染情况 不妨碍其开展有关工作的能力时 消除对移民工人入境的限制,并停止对移民工人遣返回国的行动。

(c) Take measures to remove restrictions on the entry or


repatriation of migrant workers when

[...] workers’ illness or infection does not impair their [...]

ability to perform the work in question.

会议还回顾亚太经社会第 67/9 号决议的规定,其中经社会呼吁

[...] 成员和准成员,除其他外,“…… 酌情根据各国的优先重点安排着 手对那些有助于全面实现全民享有服务的具体目标的国家法律、政策 和做法进行审查,以便消除对有被 感染 风 险 者和艾滋病 毒 感染 者 、尤 其是主要受影响人口的 一切形式的歧视”。

The Meeting also recalled the provisions of ESCAP resolution 67/9, whereby the Commission had called upon members and associate members, inter alia, to “…initiate, as appropriate, in line with national priorities, a review of national laws, policies and practices to enable the full achievement of universal access targets with a view to

[...] [...] discrimination against people at risk of infection or living with HIV, in particular key affected populations”.

在外國的城市,例如 羅 省 , 當他 們 的 空 氣污染指數到達 200


或 300 點 時 , 市 民 仍 然 置 身車輛之 中 , 所受的 影

[...] 響 並非那麼大 ; 以 香港的 銅鑼灣或 旺 角 為 例,每 一 平方哩 便 有 近 10 萬 人, 所以不應該與 外 國的空 氣污染指數達 200 點 時 比較。

In overseas cities such as Los Angeles, when the API reaches 200 or 300, members of the public will still be in their cars and the impact on them is not that pronounced, but when it comes to Causeway Bay

[...] [...] density close to 100 000 people per sq mile, the situation cannot be compared to API [...]

200 in an overseas country.

為免集體恐慌心理擴散,有學者說疫情會在兩周內受到控制,但亦有謂疫情可能持 續 數 月 ,甚 至 感染 個 案 可能上升至二、三千宗,真叫市民無所適從。

In avoidance of an immense public panic overwhelming the community, some academic proclaimed that the crisis would be under control in 2 weeks, whereas some


believed that the epidemic

[...] would last for months, and the number of infected cases could climb [...]

to two to three thousand.

为改善司法系统的效率和对司法的运用,该部采取了各种行动编纂法律文 件,把与人权(《 国籍法》、与艾滋病毒/艾滋 病 感染 者 有 关的法律)、改进司法机 关的运转(属人法司 法机关法律、设立执行法官的法律、正在制定的旨在将最高 法院转变为最高上诉法院的法律文件、关于监狱管理人员地位的法令等)以及重 [...]


The Ministry is working to codify legislation that takes

[...] [...] constitutional and international provisions on human rights (Nationality Code, act on people living with HIV/AIDS), the need to improve the functioning of [...] [...]

personal status courts, act instituting judges responsible for the execution of sentences, legislation being developed to change the Supreme Court to a court of cassation, decree on the status of prison officials, etc.) and to revitalize the work of the members of the judiciary (Status of the Judiciary Act) with the aim of improving the efficiency of the legal system and access to justice.

(6) 說明是否採用來自一般監測站的空氣污染指數制定附件 說明是否採用來自一般監測站的空氣 污 染 指 數 制 定 附件 說明是否採用來自一般監測站的空氣 污 染 指 數 制 定 附件 說明是否採用來自一般監測站的空氣 污 染 指 數 制 定 附件 1, ,, ,倘若是的話 倘若是的話 倘若是的話 倘若是的話, ,, ,此舉未必能 此舉未必能 此舉未必能 此舉未必能 真正反映空氣污染對須長時間在路邊工作 的 人 士 的 影響 真正反映空氣污染對須長時間在路邊工作 的 人 士 的 影響 真正反映空氣污染對須長時間在路邊工作 的 人 士 的 影響 真正反映空氣污染對須長時間在路邊工作的人士的影響。

(6) To advise whether Attachment 1 has been worked out using air pollution indices from general monitoring stations and if so, this may not be able to truly reflect the impacts of air pollution on people who have to work long hours at road side.

為確切地指明世衞就化驗室 生物安全水平建議中所指的病毒,及避免無意中把沒有證 據顯示會如現時一般感染人類的 其他豬型甲型流行性感 冒病毒( 即如動物化驗室所處理的豬型流行性感冒病毒) [...]

包括在內,因此建議修訂該條例附表2,加 入 "人類豬型甲


In order to specifically identify the current virus referred to in the WHO's recommendation on laboratory biosafety and also to avoid catching

[...] [...] swine influenza A viruses with no evidence of causing human infections as in the [...] [...]

as those handled by veterinary laboratories, "human swine influenza virus type A (subtype H1)" is proposed to be added as an amendment to Schedule 2 to the Ordinance.

委員獲告知,根據野鳥在本港呈現的高致病性禽流感的 流行病學情況,並假設所發現的高致病性禽 流 感 病 毒 全部可經 受污染物料從野鳥直接或間接傳染人 類 , 當局建議,一旦在3公 里半徑範圍內發現帶有H5病毒的死野鳥,米埔自然保護區、香 [...]



Members were advised that based on the local epidemiological picture of HPAI in wild birds and the assumption that all HPAI viruses found could be

[...] [...] birds to humans directly or indirectly through contaminated materials, it was recommended that if dead [...] [...]

to have H5 virus within 3 km radius of the Mai Po Nature Reserve, the outdoor section of the Hong Kong Wetland Park, the walk-in aviaries managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Ocean Park would be closed to public access for a period of 21 days.

他們又 認 為 申 請 人須 在指明時限內將發生 特 殊 事 件一事通知監 督,並 適 時 採取補救/ 緩 解 措 施,盡 量減少因 特 殊 事 件發生而引 致 的污染物排放的數 量。

They also consider it necessary for the

[...] applicant to notify the Authority the occurrence of a special event within a specified time frame, and to take remedial/mitigation measures promptly to minimize the quantity of pollutant being emitted as a result.

然 而 , 這次流感疫 情 的 重 災 區 是 小 學 校 園 , 並不在定點 監 測 的 範圍內 , 當 疫 情 開始變 得 嚴重時,衞生防 護 中心才 要 求 學 校上報感 染 數 字 ,明顯 地 監 測 系 統 與 社區疫 情 的發展出 現 落 差 , 行 政 當 局 依 靠 的數據與 市 民 感 受 到 的 情 況可能 是 不同的,因而往往出 現 對 傳 染 病 的 感 覺 是 “ 政 府 淡 定 、 市 民 恐 慌 ” 的 情況。

Only when the epidemic turned serious did the Centre for Health Protection ask schools to submit the number of infection cases, revealing a gap between the surveillance system and the epidemic development in the community. As the data that the executive authorities relied on and the actual situation experienced by the public were probably different, it invariably gives the impression that when it comes to communicable diseases, the Government is always calm whereas the public are always in panic.