Ad hoc task什么意思


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So, the FBI got a report back on the Diaz's million dollars, and since we have information to share, too, I'd like to propose we form an ad hoc task force.


For some issues, ad hoc task groups were established.

It has been found to improve performance in the TREC ad hoc task.

An ad hoc task force in Kiev began working on writing the draft legislation On the Development and Use of Languages in Ukraine.


In addition, ad hoc task forces could be established to address specific issues for a limited period of time.


As an alternative to the establishment of subcommittees, the bureau itself or ad hoc task forces could address these issues.


Among other things, the group formed an ad hoc task force to address the relationship between the United Nations and mine-action NGOs in the field.


They are part of an ad hoc task force assembled by Chief Mason to locate our missing boys.


When an especially difficult interdepartmental problem arose, an ad hoc task force with a responsible head was created.


The Committee meets twice a year at the level of the directors of statistical offices and functions practically mainly through a number of ad hoc task teams.


Members pursue time-bound initiatives, through ad hoc task forces open to the participation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other international stakeholders, as required.


The Department of Political Affairs accepted this recommendation and informed OIOS that the ad hoc task force had been established.


Such a mechanism would not necessarily need to possess the authority to make decisions and could be serviced by an ad hoc task force of staff from international organizations.


The Minister for the Interior set up an ad hoc task force to identify the most appropriate solutions for the area.


Given the wide range of issues discussed by the Committee within the framework of trade and investment, it is proposed that both permanent subcommittees and ad hoc task forces be set up.


Chaired by the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the Network works through annual meetings and ad hoc task forces on specific priority themes.

该网络由秘书长性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问领头。 机构间网络通过年度会议和特定优先主题特设工作队开展工作。

UN-Oceans also pursues time-bound initiatives, with well-defined terms of reference, through ad hoc task forces open to the participation of non-governmental organizations and other international stakeholders as required.

此外,联合国海洋和沿海区网络根据明确界定的职权范围,通过特设工作队开展有时限的倡议活动。 特设工作队酌情向非政府组织和其他国际利益有关方开放。

At its fourth meeting in November 2007, the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the system established an ad hoc task team on the architecture for a regional tsunami watch centre.


It coordinates issues related to oceans and coastal issues, and its membership comprises 14 organizations of the United Nations system that pursue time-bound initiatives, through ad hoc task forces and other international stakeholders, as required.


The Office also organizes ad hoc task forces on specific issues, and provides regular inputs and reports to the Special Representative on short, medium and long-term economic policy issues, and plays a major role in the Joint Planning Group.




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