量 產 英文



高級量產技術advanced mass production


開始量產時間Date Begin Producing

量產跟單Production Coordinator

量產模式Production Mode

量產制造權利Mass Production Right

量產鑄件mass-produced castings

量產組production class ; PWRC

意大利量產組italian sport production series


  • 供應鏈成型以及量產帶來的好處被市場接受花了很長時間。

    it takes years for the benefits of volume production to work their way through to the market, and for the supply chain to catch up.

  • 你創作每一個設計時都用不同方法而且十分熱情?或者有時候更像是固定量產

    do you approach every design differently and enthusiastically, or is it sometimes like mass production?

  • 需要注意的是,上面所說的200mm規格線計劃6月15日恢復量產,此日期指的是工廠可以開始接受200mm晶圓片開始加工的日期,而從晶圓片上制出芯片并對其進行封裝,制成可以直接銷售給客戶的成品,則可能需要再等上2.5-3個月。

    the june 15 date is a wafers-in start date. it can take up to three months for a wafer to be processed and packaged for shipment to customers.

  • 亨利?福特的組裝線於在密西根州的底特律量產了許多modelt的車子.

    henry ford「s assembly line produced model ts by the millions in detroit, michigan.

  • ev-1是當代第一款量產的電動汽車。 不過隨著加州放寬了對零排放汽車的要求(1990年加州的《零排放法案》曾規定,1998年在加州出售的新車中,「零排放汽車」的比例要達到2%,2000達到5%,2010年達到10%,后該法案的要求被放寬——譯注),因此ev-1投不久,便失去了存在的意義。

    the first modern mass-produced electric vehicle, ev-1 lost its reason for existence shortly after introduction when california loosened its requirements for zero-emission vehicles.

  • 威漢姆說:「這個概念也許在10年甚至20年都無法找到方法實現量產,但最終將實現。」

    「those concepts will probably not find their way into commercial products in the next 10 to 20 years,」 wenham says.「but they will eventually.

  • 我們提供婚紗禮服單件的定制以及多件的量產批發.

    we offer a single piece order as well as mass - produced.

  • 公司為國內唯一實現薄型電視并量產的企業.

    the only domestic company to achieve thin television and corporate production.

  • 在技術水平上,雖然吉利帝豪gt還只是一輛到2014的某個時刻才會量產的概念車,但它也許正是那輛能夠改變世界對中國車的認知的車。

    though technically just a concept with a targeted production date sometime in 2014, the geely emgrand gt may just be the vehicle that changes the world’s perception about chinese cars.

  • hynix表示將於明年下半年開始ddr4內存品的量產

    hynix said it plans to start volume production of this ddr4 product in the second half of 2012.

  • 底特律車展本周揭開了序幕, 其中展出了一大批非常棒的電動車及混合動力車,從純概念車到接近量產的車型應有盡有.

    the detroit auto show kicked off this week with a slew of fantastic electric and hybrid vehicles ranging from the purely conceptual to the near production-ready.

  • 這些車型在兩三年內注定要開始量產

    all are destined for production within two or three years.

  • 預計這兩個系列的新品將於第二季度開始量產,而oem廠商則有望在節后的返校季節開始上市安裝了這類新品的筆記本等設備。

    mass production of the new drives will begin in the second quarter, and oems are expected to offer these drives in desktops, notebooks, and netbooks in time for the back-to-school season.

  • intel22nm制程的工藝代號為1270,首批采用22nm制程技術制作的芯片將由設在俄勒岡州的d1d芯片廠負責制造,而今年下半年晚些時候,這款品的量產則會在位於亞利桑那的f32工廠開始量產

    the 22-nm process is called 1270 and it is starting to ramp. first wafers will come out of d1d in oregon and then volume production will start at f32 in arizona in the later half of this year.

  • 預計這兩個系列的新品將於第二季度開始量產,而oem廠商則有望在節后的返校季節開始上市安裝了這類新品的筆記本等設備。

    mass production of the new drives will begin in the second quarter, and oems are expected to offer these drives in desktops, notebooks, and netbooks in time for the back-to-school season.

  • 數位媒體量產匯流, 報社如何更新新聞?

    when digital media and converge, how do papers renew news?

  • 1對公司手機 研發 、 試量產的質量負總責.

    be responsible for the quality of handset r & d , trial - produce and produce.

  • 科學家希望盡快將這種技術應用到量產,不過這中材料的量產可行性仍有待觀察。

    the researchers hope to mass-produce their prototypes, though how viable this is on a mass-scaled remains to be seen.

  • 一些自主駕駛車技術已經開始出現在量產汽車上(另見文)。

    some autonomous-vehicle technologies are already starting to appear in production cars (see article).

  • ev-1是當代第一款量產的電動汽車。 不過隨著加州放寬了對零排放汽車的要求(1990年加州的《零排放法案》曾規定,1998年在加州出售的新車中,「零排放汽車」的比例要達到2%,2000達到5%,2010年達到10%,后該法案的要求被放寬——譯注),因此ev-1投不久,便失去了存在的意義。

    the first modern mass-produced electric vehicle, ev-1 lost its reason for existence shortly after introduction when california loosened its requirements for zero-emission vehicles.

  • 由於這種納米銅線足堪量產,因此或許普通的家庭最終也能用它來為房屋內設備提供綠色能源,比如熱水器。

    because the nanowires can be mass produced, average homeowners might be able to finally afford greening their homes with devices like water heaters.

  • 英特爾系統的這些組件,包括激光器,都是使用和量產計算機集成電路同樣的硅晶刻方式生

    the components of the intel system, including the lasers, are made with the same silicon-sculpting methods used to construct computer chips in vast quantities.

  • 在技術水平上,雖然吉利帝豪gt還只是一輛到2014的某個時刻才會量產的概念車,但它也許正是那輛能夠改變世界對中國車的認知的車。

    though technically just a concept with a targeted production date sometime in 2014, the geely emgrand gt may just be the vehicle that changes the world’s perception about chinese cars.

  • 一些自主駕駛車技術已經開始出現在量產汽車上(另見文)。

    some autonomous-vehicle technologies are already starting to appear in production cars (see article).

  • intel22nm制程的工藝代號為1270,首批采用22nm制程技術制作的芯片將由設在俄勒岡州的d1d芯片廠負責制造,而今年下半年晚些時候,這款品的量產則會在位於亞利桑那的f32工廠開始量產

    the 22-nm process is called 1270 and it is starting to ramp. first wafers will come out of d1d in oregon and then volume production will start at f32 in arizona in the later half of this year.

  • 協助產品工程師在初始分析到量產過程中設定參數范圍.

    assist the product engineer in limit」setting for characterization and volume manufacturing.

  • 威漢姆說:「這個概念也許在10年甚至20年都無法找到方法實現量產,但最終將實現。」

    」those concepts will probably not find their way into commercial products in the next 10 to 20 years,「 wenham says.」but they will eventually.

  • 第一部量產的油電混合動力汽車并不十分受歡迎,但它也預示著未來汽車業的發展動向。

    the first mass-produced petrol-electric hybrid vehicle isn’t universally popular, but it hints at the shape of things to come.

  • 比賽意圖將重心引到運動量產車上,盡管近年來參賽的車型與對應的量產版本只有很少的相似之處。

    the purpose of the race was to concentrate on sporty production cars, though these days many of the cars bear only a passing resemblance to their production counterparts.

  • 但是通用和雷諾-尼桑才是推動量產電動汽車市場最有力的制造商。

    but gm and the renault-nissan alliance are making the biggest push into the mass market.

  • 確保通過客戶批準后的產品成功量產.

    ensure that the new parts is run smoothly in mass production.

  • 英特爾系統的這些組件,包括激光器,都是使用和量產計算機集成電路同樣的硅晶刻方式生

    the components of the intel system, including the lasers, are made with the same silicon-sculpting methods used to construct computer chips in vast quantities.

  • 需要注意的是,上面所說的200mm規格線計劃6月15日恢復量產,此日期指的是工廠可以開始接受200mm晶圓片開始加工的日期,而從晶圓片上制出芯片并對其進行封裝,制成可以直接銷售給客戶的成品,則可能需要再等上2.5-3個月。

    the june 15 date is a wafers-in start date. it can take up to three months for a wafer to be processed and packaged for shipment to customers.

  • 比賽意圖將重心引到運動量產車上,盡管近年來參賽的車型與對應的量產版本只有很少的相似之處。

    the purpose of the race was to concentrate on sporty production cars, though these days many of the cars bear only a passing resemblance to their production counterparts.

  • 人們一致認為,一款車成為「量產」車之前,需要先制造出一定數的車型在道路上測試。

    this is an agreement that a certain number of cars need to be constructed for road use in order to qualify as a 「production」 car.

  • 同一線徑量產最適用(單股、圓線).

    suitable for same diameter of wire stripping for mass production.

  • 你創作每一個設計時都用不同方法而且十分熱情?或者有時候更像是固定量產

    do you approach every design differently and enthusiastically, or is it sometimes like mass production?

  • 其想法就是在開采鋰之后,再進行加工、增值服務,比如在這個貧困國家制造電池,或甚至量產電動汽車。

    the idea is to process and add value to the lithium after it is extracted, for instance by making batteries or even fleets of electric cars in the impoverished country.

  • 其想法就是在開采鋰之后,再進行加工、增值服務,比如在這個貧困國家制造電池,或甚至量產電動汽車。

    the idea is to process and add value to the lithium after it is extracted, for instance by making batteries or even fleets of electric cars in the impoverished country.

  • hynix表示將於明年下半年開始ddr4內存品的量產

    hynix said it plans to start volume production of this ddr4 product in the second half of 2012.

  • 但是通用和雷諾-尼桑才是推動量產電動汽車市場最有力的制造商。

    but gm and the renault-nissan alliance are making the biggest push into the mass market.

  • 恩,這個還沒有正式量產,不過保時捷的插電式混合動力技術實在太誘惑了,所以足夠出現在這里。

    sure, it「s not officially in production yet, but porsche」s plug-in hybrid is tantalizing enough to belong on this list.

  • 歡迎來圖 、 來樣報價 、 打板及量產.

    welcome to map, sample price, a board and mass production.

  • 底特律車展本周揭開了序幕, 其中展出了一大批非常棒的電動車及混合動力車,從純概念車到接近量產的車型應有盡有.

    the detroit auto show kicked off this week with a slew of fantastic electric and hybrid vehicles ranging from the purely conceptual to the near production-ready.

  • 本文將就微型馬達精密換向片的量產模具介紹說明.

    this paper will introduce progressive die of the commutators for micromotor.

  • 科學家希望盡快將這種技術應用到量產,不過這中材料的量產可行性仍有待觀察。

    the researchers hope to mass-produce their prototypes, though how viable this is on a mass-scaled remains to be seen.

  • 供應鏈成型以及量產帶來的好處被市場接受花了很長時間。

    it takes years for the benefits of volume production to work their way through to the market, and for the supply chain to catch up.

  • 由於這種納米銅線足堪量產,因此或許普通的家庭最終也能用它來為房屋內設備提供綠色能源,比如熱水器。

    because the nanowires can be mass produced, average homeowners might be able to finally afford greening their homes with devices like water heaters.

  • 第一部量產的油電混合動力汽車并不十分受歡迎,但它也預示著未來汽車業的發展動向。

    the first mass-produced petrol-electric hybrid vehicle isn’t universally popular, but it hints at the shape of things to come.

  • 這些車型在兩三年內注定要開始量產

    all are destined for production within two or three years.

  • 恩,這個還沒有正式量產,不過保時捷的插電式混合動力技術實在太誘惑了,所以足夠出現在這里。

    sure, it「s not officially in production yet, but porsche」s plug-in hybrid is tantalizing enough to belong on this list.

  • 人們一致認為,一款車成為「量產」車之前,需要先制造出一定數的車型在道路上測試。

    this is an agreement that a certain number of cars need to be constructed for road use in order to qualify as a 「production」 car.