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UMAMI鮮蝦啤酒浴 UMAMI shrimp coated in beer sauce,狼煙馬告嫩烤戰斧豬 Grilled pork chip topped with olive oil and makoo,UMAMI嚴選嫩煎牛排 UMAMI signature sautéed steak,娘娘萬福煲湯鍋 Imperial double-stewed soup hot pot with mildly spicy flavor,金色三麥冠軍啤酒 Lebledor Craft beer


➤ 預付可抵消費金額 ➤ 一般訂位需用餐前2小時取消,否則無法取消 ➤ 訂位保留15分鐘,逾時依照現場狀況調配 ➤ 假日請至少提前1日訂位 ➤ 最後點餐為營業結束前30分鐘 ➤ 優惠不可與現場其他優惠併用 ➤ 金色三麥保留變更及取消訂位的權益 ➤ 六人以上訂位請洽客服


「在地鮮的舌尖美學」 由日文uma(うまい好吃的)與mi(み味道)結合而成, 是一種獨特的「鮮」味感受,嚴選集結「在地鮮」食材, 每道料理的創作,都像在破解讓鮮味淋漓盡致的終極密碼, 讓味蕾與食材有一場精彩的對話,而最大的獎賞, 就是老饕如你,忘我的享受。 UMAMI de Lebledor a bite of Taiwanese style gourmet Creations in Umami de Lebledor are born from selected fresh local ingredients and whole-heartedly Taiwanese spirits. The secret fifth unique taste "umami", a key to unlock the mystery of food, also upgrade the experience you had in Lebledor. Invite you to appreciate the earth, water and sunshine in this beautiful island from the gourmet here with your tongue and heart.


