Creative pebble usb 2.0 桌 上 型 喇叭

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具有USB-C連接的簡約2.0 USB供電桌面喇叭

我們正在銷售的Pebble,它是我們最喜歡的2.0桌面喇叭之一,並且使其變得更加出色! Pebble V2,它是時尚Pebble喇叭的後繼產品 - 我們保持其簡約的設計,並為其提供USB-C連接以提供更高的功率輸出! 如果您使用的是帶有USB Type-A埠的舊電腦,請不用擔心,包裝中包含了USB-C至USB-A轉換器。 Pebble V2還具有內置的增益開關,可以幫助放大音訊,因此您可以調大音樂,但音訊仍令人讚歎不已。






Pebble V2佔用空間小,具有極簡時尚的設計,可自然融入任何簡約主義者的辦公室,住宅,工作區和奮鬥場地中。 享受Pebble V2的兩全其美-時尚的外觀和出色的音訊性能。


至於線纜的長度,我們已經聽說了! 現在,Pebble V2採用更長線纜來連接左右衛星揚聲器,而不會犧牲音訊品質,從而獲得最佳的音訊體驗。

如果您的裝置已經具有USB Type-C埠,只需將USB-C線纜插入Type-C埠,並將3.5 毫米連接插頭插入AUX輸入埠。

對於使用USB Type-A裝置的使用者,不用擔心! 我們提供了一個USB-C至USB-A轉換器,因此您可以立即開始使用。 您需要執行的所有操作僅僅是先將轉換器插入USB-C線纜,再將其插入USB Type-A埠,再將3.5 毫米連接插頭插入AUX輸入埠。

當插入至10W USB-C或USB-A埠時,Pebble V2中的內置增益開關將啟動高增益模式以放大音訊,並發出8W RMS的聲音功率和高達16W的峰值功率。 比Pebble強大2倍,可以聆聽自己喜歡的音樂或以更大的音量狂飲觀看最新大片,而不會破壞音訊效果。

儘管Pebble V2佔用空間小,但它具有改進的內置2英寸全頻驅動單元和無源輻射器,Pebble V2可為您提供更豐富,更響亮的音訊,並具有增強的低音再現效果,帶來終極音樂享受!

Pebble V2保留了相同的45°高抬升的驅動單元,這些驅動單元有特定角度,因此音訊會直達您的耳朵,使您處於聽音好位置,從而獲得身臨其境的個人聆聽體驗。

I was pleasantly surprised how good the Creative Pebble V2s performed while being so affordable. The sound quality well exceeded the price point. These will definitely pump out more than enough volume, while only taking up a small amount of space on your desk!


Pebble V2 offers an affordable and small solution to desktop speakers. If you’re looking for a pair of desktop speakers to improve your listening experience on a budget, Creative’s Pebble V2 speakers are a fantastic choice. They’re fantastic value for money and manage to provide a great sound for the form factor and price.


Overall, for under £20 these are a great addition to your PC setup. They have a great clean design and sound fantastic.


Awesome speakers. The sound is solid, the speakers are minimalist. I can place this anywhere I want.

I received these on 5/16/2020. They were scheduled for delivery on the 26th. Great service ! I am so very pleased with this product. I have a dedicated power line for them with an Anker adapter for USB. The sound is phenomenal for such a small speaker. Bass and Treble are extremely clear. Footprint is perfect, either side of me Laptop, placement is a little fussy, have to move back and forth a little to find that sweet spot. Volume is there if you want, full open is to much for me. Listening to 60's Rock and Roll on You Tube, amazing. Keep up the great work Creative Labs, I highly recommend these speakers. For the cost, believe me, you won't be disappointed !!

Have one set on my laptop. Great for general meetings, maybe light youtube video and pod casts. Getting two more pairs for my wife and son for same purpose. These are not theater/gaming quality. They are basic pc speakers. If you have that expectation, you'll be fine.

2.0 喇叭系統, Computer Speakers0 ℃ 至 45 ℃100–17,000 Hz

左衛星喇叭:122 x 116 x 115毫米/ 4.8 x 4.5 x 4.5英寸, 右衛星喇叭:122 x 116 x 115毫米/ 4.8 x 4.5 x 4.5英寸線性輸入:帶3.5毫米身歷聲插頭的1.2米長固定線纜, DC電源:帶USB Type-C的1.2米長固定線纜, 從右至左衛星喇叭:1.35米長固定線纜左衛星:0.30千克 x1, 右衛星:0.34千克x 1

2 x 4W RMS, 系統總功率:高達8W1 RMS, 峰值功率16W
1 插入10W USB-C埠/ USB-C電源適配器/ 5V 2A USB Type-A電源適配器並將增益設置為“高”時,最高8W RMS。(5V 2A USB Type-A電源適配器不附帶)帶有無源輻射器的2英寸全頻揚聲器驅動單元75 dB

  • 通過桌上型電腦/筆記型電腦的USB埠供電
  • 為了獲得最佳體驗,請連接電流更高的USB電源適配器(最高5V 2A輸出)或USB C 10W電源適配器
  • 具有 3.5 毫米立體聲輸出的類比音效裝置

  • Creative Pebble V2衛星喇叭
  • USB-C轉USB-A轉換器
  • 保固說明單頁


