
Microsoft Access for Mac 幫助您使用數據庫解決方案跟踪,報告和共享信息。 Access 提供了一套功能強大的工具,這些工具對於專業開發人員而言足夠複雜,但對於新用戶而言則易於學習。創建或使用功能強大的數據庫解決方案,使組織,訪問和共享信息比以往更加輕鬆。立即下載適用於 macOS 的最新 Microsoft Access!

無需開發人員即可創建和共享應用!自定義應用程序以隨著您的業務發展!與多個數據源集成!適用於 macOS 2016 的 Microsoft Access 是 Access 的最新版本。以前的版本包括 Access 2013,Access 2010,Access 2007 和 Access2003。Access2016 與 Windows 10,Windows 8.1 和 Windows 7 兼容。需要 Access Services,作為 Office 365,SharePoint Online 和 SharePoint 的一部分單獨出售 Server 2013 提供了


Access 不僅僅是創建桌面數據庫的一種方式。這是一種易於使用的工具,用於創建可幫助您開展業務的應用程序。 Access 數據可以存儲在各種雲數據庫中,因此比以往任何時候都更加安全,您可以與同事共享 Access 應用程序。



使用 VBA 自動化功能構建用戶友好的表單
使用豐富的 Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)來自動化業務流程,並提高表單和報表的設計和可用性。

Access 和行業應用程序
Access 中的連接器庫提供了多種方法來集成來自應用程序的數據和推動業務發展的數據源。跨現代數據源的集成方案在熟悉的 Access 界面中生成聚集的視覺效果和見解。

中存儲數據在 SQL Server 和 Microsoft Azure SQL 中存儲數據以增強可靠性,可伸縮性,強大的安全性和長期可管理性。 Access 應用程序利用標準 SQL 語法和真正的關鍵任務後端,無論是在本地還是在雲中部署。

注:5 天試用版。

還可用:下載適用於 Windows

的 Microsoft Access

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One of the more underappreciated and unheard-of tools in the Microsoft Office suite is Microsoft Access. For those unaware, Access is a database management system that uses Microsoft’s Jet Database Engine. Databases created using this application are stored in their unique format, thus making them not readily accessible to everyone. While it is very easy to set this tool up on a Windows computer, the case is not the same on Macs.

Officially speaking, Microsoft Access is not available on the macOS. However, you can use a virtual machine on your Mac and run the tool’s Windows version there. Today, we will be discussing how you can install MS Access on Mac using a tool named VirtualBox.

How to install Microsoft Access on Mac

For some, it can be a little confusing to understand what virtual machines like VirtualBox do. Essentially, these tools help you run different operating systems on top of existing operating systems, blend platforms that don’t coexist readily. Here, we will use VirtualBox to run Windows inside Mac and then run Access on that virtualized version of Windows.

Readers should note that all utilities of MS Office, except for Access, have official Mac versions of them. You don’t have to follow this process to run PowerPoint, or Excel on Mac, for example. Let’s begin!

First things first, you’re going to have to download a .iso file of Windows from An ISO file helps you create a bootable installation media or a virtual machine, as we will be doing here. Fill out the details i.e., the version of the OS, the language you prefer, bit version, etc., and confirm your download.

Then, visit VirtualBox’s official website and from the Downloads page, download the OS X hosts version.

Once downloaded, run and set it up on your Mac. Open the app and click on New.

Here, type out a name to your virtual machine, select the version of your OS, and allocate the appropriate RAM space for it. Fill out the credentials of the hard disk drive you will be using for this process.

In the final prompt, you’ll be asked to select the optical disk file that you want to start the virtual machine from. Here, select the .ISO file and click on ‘Start’.

Wait a while upon clicking Start and a demo of your Windows 11/10 will be loaded.

After that, you have to set up Windows on VirtualBox as you would do on a normal PC. Fill out all the details you’re instructed to and select the OS edition you want to install.

Your computer will boot once and that can take some time, depending on the specifications of your Mac, but after that, you’ll have to enter your Microsoft account’s credentials. Do so, wait a while and you’ll finally see an interface the same as in any Windows computer.

The process is pretty straightforward thereon out. Simply download Microsoft Office on your Windows now and open Access there.

If you feel that Windows is lagging on your VirtualBox setup, you can visit the Windows settings and check if there are any pending updates.

We hope that this post clarified all your doubts about VirtualBox on Mac and how you can use it with ease.

Read: How to download Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint on Mac

Can you install Microsoft Access on a Mac?

No, Office for the MAC doesn’t include Access, and the only way to install Microsoft Access on a Mac is to use a Virtual Machine.

Does Office 365 have Access for Mac?

No. Unfortunately, Microsoft Access is available only for Windows PCs. But you can use a virtual machine to run it.


