In lieu of 中文


阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




Prescription of generic drugs in lieu of high-cost patented medications


Daily service charge, in lieu of tipping.


28.204 Alternatives in lieu of corporate or individual sureties.

28.204 代替公司或个人担保的替代方

The memorandums and faxes were issued in lieu of the advisory notes


It also enables organizations to reduce costs by using electronic records in lieu of paper.


the installation of automatic and remote control systems and equipment has been approved in lieu of continuous manning of the space; or

(a) 已获批准装设自动与遥远控制系统及设备,代替为该机舱持续编配人手;或

However, prosecution in lieu of extradition is not directly addressed in the legislation.


Box 6 Using asset and income declarations in lieu of illicit enrichment


Many citizens were thus ordered to pay compensation in lieu of custodial sentences.


In addition, Globalidx will never directly engage in any form of financial investment behavior in lieu of customers.


This product should not be taken in lieu of medicines.

注意事项: 本品不能代替药物

Give these out to some of the boys in lieu of pay.

是吗? 把这些发下去代替薪水

The deed in lieu of foreclosure offers several advantages to both the borrower and the lender.


No written shareholders' approval will be accepted in lieu of holding a general meeting.

召 开股东大会不能以股东书面批准代替。

Touchscreen and digital pressure alarms in lieu of switches and pressure gauges.


As this is a first offence, and committed without malice... pay a fine in lieu of imprisonment?

鉴于这是初犯 而且我并无恶意交罚款 代替监禁

Diane, it's 1:17 p.m. I have just concluded my second meditation of the day in lieu of sleep.

黛安,现在是下午1: 17 我刚刚结束了 今天代替睡眠的 第二次冥想

No other document such as a print out of the email invoice can be used in lieu of the original paper train ticket.


Statement in lieu of Prospectus delivered for registration by


UNFPA has introduced tables in lieu of lengthy narratives.



结果: 1615. 精确: 1615. 用时: 47毫秒


阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




"Provided that the court may, in its discretion, order the discharge of the whole or any part of the forfeited recognizance or of the sum of money paid or to be paid in lieu or satisfaction thereof."


Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1), where any fish is seized under section 5, the Director or any authorized officer may cause such fish to be sold or otherwise disposed of prior to application being made for the forfeiture thereof, and the proceeds thereof retained in lieu, and if in any such case the magistrate, upon such application for forfeiture being made, is not satisfied that an offence against this Ordinance has been committed in respect thereof, upon application made by any person claiming to be the owner of such fish he shall, if he is satisfied as to the validity of the claim, order such proceeds to be paid to the claimant, but where no claim is made or the magistrate is not satisfied as to the validity of any claim, the proceeds shall be paid into the general revenue. (Amended 68 of 1987 s. 7)

(2) 尽管有第(1)款的规定,凡有任何鱼类根据第5条被检取,处长或任何获授权人员可在提出没收该等鱼类的申请前,安排将该等鱼类出售或以其他方式处置,并保留售卖得益以代替保留该等鱼类;如有此种情况,而裁判官在上述没收申请提出後,并不信纳有人已就该等鱼类犯了本条例所订的罪行,则在任何声称其为该等鱼类的拥有人的人提出申请後,裁判官如信纳该项声称乃属真确,即须命令将该等售卖得益付予该人,但如无人作出声称或裁判官不信纳任何声称的真确性,则该等售卖得益须拨入政府一般收入。(由1987年第68号第7条修订)

Employees must have been continuously employed for at least three months to qualify for notice of pay in lieu.


Entitlement to written termination of employment or pay in lieu was increased beyond the previous two-week maximum.


Because the destruction of property effectively precludes the possibility of restitution, the only adequate alternative is compensation, be it financial or in lieu.


UN ECE & EU do not have standards for medium-heavy petrol engines, hence US EPA is adopted in lieu.


In the Rainbow Warrior arbitration, New Zealand sought only the return of the two agents to the island, and specifically disavowed any claim to compensation in lieu.


First mid-term: 1, 2 and 3 November (provided that should 2 November fall on a Saturday or Sunday an additional day shall be granted in lieu)

- 第一个期中:11月1、2、3日(如果11月2日为星期六或星期日,可补一天假); dynamometer testing is used in lieu or in support of the requirements of the "road" testing required by clauses 38.3.2 to 38.3.7, the requirements of this clause shall apply.如果测功机测试用于代替或支持第38.3.2~38.3.7条要求的道路测试要求,本条款要求应适用。

I understand that tax on "payments in lieu" may be at a different rate from tax on dividends.


Having already served half their sentences they benefited from a policy counting detention served on remand in lieu, and are now at liberty.


In France, if assets could not be seized directly, the equivalent value could be seized in lieu, and provisional seizures, subject to later judicial confirmation, were possible.


Section 9 provides that any hours worked by an employee in excess of forty hours a week must be compensated either by pay at the overtime rate or if paid at the employee's normal rate, then time off in lieu.


It is proposed that two of the 12 National Officer posts included in the current staffing table be reduced to ten and that six additional Local level posts be provided in lieu.


In such cases, their employees are entitled, in addition to their regular wage for the work, either to compensation equalling that wage or to a paid holiday in lieu.


More working-time flexibility is also achieved by prolonging the periods for averaging out working hours, introducing the four-day work week and/or flexitime, offering job familiarization against time in lieu.


Expatriate (foreign) personnel shall not be liable for income tax levied in the Country on earnings paid in any foreign currency, or for income tax levied on subsistence, rentals and similar services directly furnished by the Contractor to Contractor's Personnel, or for allowances in lieu.


The tender submitted by a supplier who does not meet the qualification requirements referred to in the preceding Article shall not be accepted, except for financial qualifications that the supplier may submit in lieu a bank guarantee or an insurance policy under which the bank or insurer shares the performance and compensatory liability with the supplier jointly and severally.


If the nonconforming Products affect Party A's production, and if Party B cannot supply the conforming Products in lieu or has these nonconforming Products reworked in the production line to meet Party A's production demand, then Party A may arrange certain personnel to rework such nonconforming Products. The working time arising from such rework shall be summarized by Party A.


Apart from statutory protection, FDHs are further protected by a Government prescribed Standard Employment Contract, under which they enjoy Minimum Allowable Wage, free food (or food allowance in lieu), free passage to/from their places of domicile, free medical treatment and free accommodation with reasonable privacy.




结果: 48. 精确: 48. 用时: 40毫秒

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单词索引 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

表达式索引 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

词组索引 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


