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I have recovered
I have already fully recovered.
I got well.
I'm up and about completely.

[ע]be up and about������
I have recovered from the illness already completely
I have aI have completely been OK again.
I Have been well/healthy completely again.

I have really completely well/healthy / OK again.

be well again�ָ�����
lready fully recovered

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2007-01-06 �� TA���1478����






I'm fully recovered.



2007-01-05 �� TA���2035����






I have completely been OK again.
I Have been well/healthy completely again.

I have really completely well/healthy / OK again.

be well again�ָ�����

2007-01-05 �� TA���3774����





I'm up and about completely.

[ע]be up and about������

2007-01-05 �� TA���715����






I have already fully recovered.




1. be better: if someone is better after an illness or injury, they have recovered, or they are in the process of recovering
''How are you? Are you better?'' ''I'll just rest today, and, hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow.''
(-你怎么样,身体好点没? -我今天休息一下,明天应该就没事了。)
I hope Robert's better by Saturday, because we need him for the team.(我希望罗伯特周六之前就能好起来,我们团队需要他。)

2. be well: if someone is well , they are healthy again, and they no longer have an illness or injury
As soon as you're well we'll go to Florida and have a few weeks in the sun.(等你的病一好,我们就去佛罗里达晒几个礼拜太阳。)
They couldn't really make any firm plans until Luis was well again.(得等路易斯病好了,他们才能拿出最终方案。)

3. be fully recovered: to be completely well again after an illness or injury
We were relieved to find that he was fully recovered and able to take part in the race.(看到他身体痊愈,可以参加赛跑,我们都松了一口气。)

4. be cured: if someone is cured , they are completely better because their illness has been treated successfully
She's still rather weak, but her bronchitis seems to be cured.(她身体还是很虚弱,但是支气管炎已经好了。)
It is only after two or three years that the doctors can say you are definitely cured of cancer.(要等到两三年后,医生才能确定你的癌症是否已经痊愈,现在下结论还太早。)
He was always confident that he would be completely cured.(他觉得自己的病肯定能痊愈,对此他一直很有信心。)

5. be over something: to be well again after an illness
You've had a bad attack of malaria, but I think you're over it now.(你这次得的疟疾非常严重,但现在已经完全好了。)
Her temperature is going down again - she seems to be over the worst.(她体温降下来了,情况好像在好转。)

6. be back on your feet (again): to be well again and able to live life as usual after being ill
备注:''be back on your feet (again)''常用于口语中。
After a day or two in bed I'll be back on my feet again.(卧床休息一两天我就没事了。)
Wait till you're back on your feet before you start worrying about your exams.(身体好了,再复习。)

7. be up and about (again): to be out of bed and well enough to walk around again, after an illness or injury has forced you to stay in bed
She's up and about now, and should be back at work in a day or two.(她身体已经康复了,应该一两天后就会重返工作岗位。)
It's good to see you up and about again.(你康复了,真是太好了!)

8. be fit: to be well again after having been ill, so that you are now able to move around as usual, exercise etc
备注:''be fit''常用于英式英语中。
Don't come back to work until you're completely fit.(身体没有完全康复,就不要考虑工作的事。)
He should be back at training next week if he's fit.(他要是身体好了,下周就要回来训练了。)
be fit as a fiddle (=be extremely fit)
Don't worry - I'll be as fit as a fiddle again by next week.(别为我担心,我这周之内就会完全康复了。)


