

�����Ѹ���ǰ�����ʲôhandinhand���������������~��������ܽ�����Ҳ����~4¥�Ǹ��е�����~ǰ�漸λ����Ķ�̫���ˡ���... �����Ѹ���ǰ�����ʲôhand in hand���������������~��������ܽ�����Ҳ����~4¥�Ǹ��е�����~ǰ�漸λ����Ķ�̫���ˡ��� չ��

�Ƽ���2017-11-25 �� TA��ó���868����






�Ҵ�����down�ķ��������Ÿ�James Legge�ľ��䷭�룺
For life or for death, however separated,
To our wives we pleadged our word.
We held their hands;---
We are to grow old together with them.

��ͷ����Bernhard Karlgren�ķ��룺
In death or life (we are) separated and far apart;
With you I made an agreement:
I grasped your hand,
Together with you I was to grow old.

����һ���Ǵ�ʫ���ӵ�Ezra Pound�ķ��룻���ķ���ܲ���ʵ����Ҳ���ʹ�������������Ŷ��ص������������ôʻ��ǽ��඼����������
To stay together till death and end
for far, for near, hand, oath, accord:
Never alive
will we keep that word.

д������뵽�����Henry Zhao���������DZ���Զ�ε�ʫ��˵�ӵ½�ѧ��ʱϰ֮����ɡ�ѧϰ�ͺ������һ�԰�ɫ�ij����衱�dz��״���ģ���ϰ�ı���ȷʵ����ָ�����ϰ���衣Ǯ��ȫ����һ�����������ָ������һ�㡣���������ķ���ȷʵ�Ǻܶ��صģ��о�����һ������׿�ʲô����ָ��֮����������������ֵ��ˡ�


I want to hold your hand
and with you I will grow old.
To hold your hand
To grow old with you

����ʫ�����ľ��ǡ��������ϡ��Ĺ����л��ܡ�ִ��֮�֡���������һ������Ϊ���������ų�������廷�����Ķ���ʱ�򣬿���˵������ݵ��Գ嶯�����һ���������̡����������ġ�˵����û����è������������take my hand, take my life too��ץס�ҵ��֣�Ҳץ���ҵ�������������˵����Ҫץס����֡����������һ�ֳ�ŵ��







Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. ִ��֮�֣��������ϡ� �������ʫ�⣬���ɸ� ���˾���

2006-03-26 �� TA���789����






���Ÿ�James Legge�ľ��䷭�룺
For life or for death, however separated,
To our wives we pleadged our word.
We held their hands;---
We are to grow old together with them.

Bernhard Karlgren�ķ��룺
In death or life (we are) separated and far apart;
With you I made an agreement:
I grasped your hand,
Together with you I was to grow old.

��ʫ���ӵ�Ezra Pound�ķ��룺
To stay together till death and end
for far, for near, hand, oath, accord:
Never alive
will we keep that word.

I want to hold your hand
and with you I will grow old.
To hold your hand
To grow old with you

hand in hand till white hair

2006-03-26 �� TA���2.5�����






to hold your hand and live till old



