English 健身器材 大全


A treadmill is a device generally for walking or running or climbing while staying in the same place. 跑步机通常是在原地行走、跑步或攀爬的设备。

2、Exercise bike:健身脚踏车。

Exercise bike(as known as stationary bicycle,exercise bicycle or spinning bike)健身脚踏车(也称为固定自行车、健身自行车或动感单车)。

3、Leg press machine:腿压机。

The leg press is a weight training excercise in which the individual push a weight or resistance away by them using their legs. 腿压机是一种重量训练运动,在这种运动中,个人用腿把重量或阻力推开。

4、Bench press:仰卧推举。

Bench Press is a full body, compound exercise. You can get your chest, shoulders and triceps trained. 仰卧推举是一种全身综合锻炼。你的胸部、肩膀和三头肌能得到锻炼。


The dumbbell is a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand.哑铃是一种用于举重训练的器械。它可以单独使用,也可以成对使用,每只手拿一个。

6、Rowing machine:划船器。

A rowing machine is essentially a piece of exercise equipment that mimics the motion of rowing a boat in water.赛艇机本质上是一种模拟水中划船运动的运动器材。



Free Weights, 自由重量
barbell, 杠铃
dumbbell, 哑铃
kettlebell, 壶铃
weight plates, 配重片
competition kettlebell, 竞技壶铃
cable Machine, 龙门架
squat rack, 深蹲架
bench rack, 卧推架
power rack/cage, 框式深蹲架
full rack/cage, 全框式深蹲架
half rack/cage, 半框式深蹲架
GHD, Glute Hamstring Developer, 臀腘训练器
ezor bar, 曲杆
trap bar, 六角杠


weightlifting shoes, 举重鞋
dip belt, 负重腰带(用于负重引体向上/负重双杠臂屈伸)
weightlifting belt, 举重腰带
powerlifting belt, 健力腰带
lever belt, 杠杆扣腰带
1/2/3 prong belt, 单/双/三排扣腰带
Slingshot, 卧推弹弓

lifting straps, 助力带/握力带
wrist sheeves/wraps, 护腕(套腕/绑腕)
elbow sheeves/wraps, 护肘(套肘/绑肘)
knee sheeves/wraps, 护膝(套膝/绑膝)


treadmill, 跑步机
stationary bike, 健身脚踏车
elliptical machine, 椭圆机
rowing machine, 划船机
stair machine/climbers, 楼梯机/登山机


TRX (Total Resistance Exercise), 全身抗阻训练
medicine ball, 药球
battle rope, 战绳
skipping rope, 跳绳
prowler, 阻力撬


set, 组
REP, repetition, 试举次数
RPE, Rate of Perceived Exertion, 自我感知发力比率
RM, repetition max, 单组最大试举次数
PR, personal record, 个人记录
intensity, 强度
volume, 容量
frequency, 频率
schedule, 课表


cheat, 借力
lock out, 锁定
flush, 充血
pump, 泵感
sticky point, 粘滞点
rolling the bar, 滚杠(硬拉)
pull the slack out, 使全身充满张力
jerk, 猛拉杠铃(硬拉)
touch and go, 触地即起
deadstop, 完全放松(然后重新启动)
strict /ramped lockout 严格锁定/斜坡锁定(硬拉)
leg/knee drive, 腿部驱动/膝驱动
glute/hip drive, 臀部驱动/髋驱动
leg/knee dominant, 腿部主导/膝主导
glute/hip dominant, 臀部主导/髋主导
light/deep touch, 轻触/下陷(卧推)


### 健美比赛项目分类
Bodybuilding, (传统)健美
Classic Bodybuilding, 古典健美
Men's Bhysique, 男子健体
Men's Figure, 男子形体
Women Bodybuilding, 女子(传统)健美
Women's Physique, 女子健体
Women's Bikini, 女子比基尼
Women's Figure, 女子形体

powerlifting, 力量举/健力
weightlifting, 举重
class, 量级


SQ, squat, 蹲
deep squat, 深蹲
half squat, 半蹲
quarter squat, 1/4蹲

lunge (lunge squat), 箭步蹲
Hack squat, 哈克深蹲
Zercher squat, 泽奇深蹲from Ad Zercher
Sissy squat, 西斯深蹲
Bulgarian lunge, 保加利亚剪蹲from Spassov
Goblet squat, 高脚杯深蹲
front squat, 前蹲
back squat, 后蹲
high bar squat, 高杠蹲
low bar squat, 低杠蹲

LP, leg press, 腿举/倒蹬
LC, leg/hamstring curls, 腿弯举
GHR, Glute Hamstring Raise, 臀腘挺身
BH, back hyper extension, 背屈伸/山羊挺身
RH, Reverse Hyper, 反向背屈伸/俯卧腿后摆


DL, deadlift, 硬拉
RDL, Romania deadlift, 罗马尼亚硬拉from Nico Vlad
stiff deadlift, 直腿硬拉
Dimel deadlift,from Matt Dimel
conventional deadlift, 传统硬拉
sumo deadlift, 相扑硬拉
semi-sumo deadlift, 半相扑硬拉

double-paused DL, 两次停顿硬拉
bottom half paused DL, 底部&半程停顿硬拉
block pull, 架上拉/高位拉/垫铃拉
deficit DL, 赤字硬拉/低位拉/垫人拉
DL 2 knee height, 及膝硬拉
snatch-grip DL, 抓举握距硬拉
trap bar DL, 六角杠硬拉
DL with bands, 弹力带硬拉
DL with chains, 铁链硬拉


BP, bench press, 卧推
floor press, 地板卧推
board press, 木板卧推
Slingshot bench press, 弹弓卧推

bench press with bands, 弹力带卧推
bench press with chains, 铁链卧推
Spoto press, 史波多卧推——底部不触胸暂停
dumbbell bench press, 哑铃卧推
Buffalo Bar bench press, 水牛杠卧推
Football Bar bench press, 足球杠卧推
pause bench press, 暂停卧推


power press, 实力举
military press, 军事推举
Arnold press, 阿诺德推举
Cuba press, 古巴推举from Charles Poliquin

Svend press, 斯万推胸
dips, 双杠臂屈伸
chest dips, 宽握双杠臂屈伸
triceps dips, 窄握双杠臂屈伸

French press / skull crusher, 仰卧颈后臂屈伸
front raise, 前平举
Lv Lateral Raise, 吕小军侧平举

shrug, 耸肩
cable chest fly, 绳索夹胸
upright rowing, 直立划船/杠铃提拉


row, 划船
Yates row, 耶茨划船from Dorian Yates
bench row, 卧拉
seal row, 海豹划船
Pendlay row, 潘德勒划船from Glenn Pendlay

T-bar row, T杠划船
pull-up, 正手引体
chin-up, 反手引体
lats pull, 高位下拉
biceps curl, 二头弯举
fly, 飞鸟
snatch, 抓举
clean and jerk, 挺举
power clean, 高翻
Turkish Get-up, 土耳其起立
Kettlebell swing, 壶铃摆荡


