巧合in english


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Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese Ukrainian

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


当然 我在想 这是不是个巧合

I was thinking of course, that it may be a coincidence.


We both know that that timing was no coincidence.

保单失效当天见到保险业务员 那是巧合

Meeting an insurance agent the day your policy runs out is coincidence.

太可怕了 -或许只是个巧合

It was horrible. - Probably just a coincidence.


My friend, there is a fine line between coincidence and fate.

不会有那一天 将军一切都不是巧合

You cannot see it, General, but none of this is by accident or coincidence.


Since Sperry would turn out to be a philanthropist herself, there is a little coincidence here.

校长 我也认为 这不仅仅是巧合

Headmaster, I, too, find it difficult to believe this mere coincidence.

戏剧世界里 没有巧合这回事

There is no such thing as coincidence in Dramaworld.

你有七千五百万用户 可能是巧合

Well, you have 75 million users. It could be a coincidence.


Trump's Twitter explosions against the press are no coincidence.

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Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese


Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese Ukrainian

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

那是一种精神 是幸运和机缘巧合

That's the spirit. It's luck and serendipity.


Better still, "you get the serendipity that people said was going to be lost with personalised news."


They put too much faith in plotting, too little in serendipity. And it can leach joy and imagination from their pursuits.

该创作手法的诞生,来自于机缘巧合与古代传统的结合。"我们刚刚完成了一张客户订制的褶皱墙纸,"巴里·阿克斯特尔(Barry Axtell)说,他管理着阿尔法的墙纸工作室,"我已经摆弄日式折纸很长一段时间了。"

The process came about through a combination of serendipity and ancient tradition. "We had just completed a custom crumpled paper for a client," said Barry Axtell, who manages Alpha's wallpaper studio, "and I had been playing around with origami for some time."

可能是经济因素(本州学生的优惠学费或者更低的交通成本)、心理因素(离自己的家庭与舒适区域不远)或者只是简单的机缘巧合(最合适的学校正好就在街道的另一端),很多学生都很欣赏自己离他们的"直升机家长"(helicopter parents,指对子女过分关切、总是在孩子身边盘旋的家长 - 译注)只有几步之遥的好处。

Be it economic (the lure of in-state tuition or lower transportation costs), psychological (not far from one's family and comfort zone) or simple serendipity (the right school happens to be down the street), many students are appreciating the benefits of landing within propeller distance of their helicopter parents.


The concentration of Indian writers in the line-up was serendipitous, she says.

如果你在某种机缘巧合之下遇到他 你最好想一些好的事情

And if by some strange chance you should run across him you had best think only good thoughts.

我甚至为你撒谎骗人 但是这次太过分了都是因为机缘巧合

I even created lies for you, but this is too much - Okay, it was the luck of the draw.


Company scuttlebutt is that that was no coincidence.


The discovery was something of a fluke.

我把这个托付给你我希望有一天 机缘巧合你会跟一个适合的孩子一起分享

But I'm entrusting this to you, And I hope that someday, when the time is right, You will see fit to share it with one of your children.

然而 我总是止不住好奇会不会有那么一天 一次机缘巧合就会改变我整个人生的方向

Still, I never cease to wonder at the thought that any day the course of my whole life could change with just one chance encounter.

或许世间的一切只是机缘巧合? 许多事情都已经安排好了

And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?


It was just luck that I asked for a job at the right time.

诚然要受物理定律和化学定律规范 但要紧关头又纯粹是机缘巧合

They did obey the laws of physics and chemistry, but the most important things happened by pure chance.


And maybe this was one of them, but that's it.

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