
Since all animals used in the experiment were owned by a private farmer the calves were not available for post-mortem analysis.

Ten 3-day-old calves were purchased from a sales barn 2 days prior to the start of the semester.

Calves weighed 143-344 kg and were allocated so as to ensure that total body weight per group was approximately equal.

Individual calves, or calves belonging to different groups, were placed in separate enclosures to avoid physical contact and possible cross contamination with the synthetic pyrethroids.

None of the calves that were infected with local genotypes showed signs of overt disease.

To confirm the immune status of the calves, reductions in worm burdens were measured after treatment with benzimidazoles at housing and at subsequent challenge infection.

Production of cloned calves following nuclear transfer with cultured adult mural granulosa cells.

In addition, there were more than 50 young cattle over 1 year old and 28 calves under 1 year old.


In addition, there were more than 50 young cattle over 1 year old and 28 calves under 1 year old.

Our recommendations following the second investigation strongly emphasized the need for substantially improved student hygiene practices and for interaction with healthier, older calves.

Eight calves cloned from somatic cells of a single adult.

As in the case of sponge-carrying, beaching appears restricted to a few females, and may be passed on to their calves.

Weaned beef and dairy calves have been reported to have a higher prevalence of infection than unweaned calves [22, 25, 44].

In this way, grazing calves are exposed to infective lungworm larvae.

The limited numbers of calves preclude using these data to estimate the percentage of calves susceptible to infection from low dose exposures.

Description of a model integrating protein and energy metabolism in preruminant calves.



阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语



小腿 小牛

牛犊 犊牛 幼崽










Matthew is attracted to women with muscular calves.

Matthew 喜欢女人的小腿肌肉。

Are his calves strong, like mine?

他的小腿强壮吗 跟我的一样?

Samuel wants to know about those calves from Cheyenne

山莫想知道你从夏安带回来的 小牛的状况

Without help, the calves would have died, Hänny says.

如果不施加帮助,小牛必死无疑 , "Hänny说 。"

Researchers don't know why their calves appear so different from Dolly.


Both calves - I can now feel the cramps they have been having

这两种牛犊 - 现在我能感觉到他们一直有抽筋

Sweets, why are my calves so sensitive?

为什么我的小腿 如此敏感?

He sold all his one-year-old calves.


During winter, guests are welcome to pay Appartements Willi's cows and calves a visit, who live 20 metres from the property.

冬季期间,客人可以付费参观Appartements Willi公寓的奶牛和小牛,其距离公寓有20米。

It is a necessary and useful nutrition only for calves.

这是一个必要的和有用的营养只小牛 的。

The imported cows have given birth to their first calves.


The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle.


Artificial insemination activities have yielded a total of 341 newborn calves.


With a pair of really thick calves.


Despite no difference in calving age, subsequent milk production was improved 2500 lb or 1100 kg in calves which were provided a greater plane of nutrition during the milk feeding period.

尽管没有差别在生育年龄, 随后的牛奶生产进行了改进 2500 lb或 1100 kg在牛犊,它提供了一个更大的飞机的营养过牛奶喂养期间.

From shoulders to calves, you will become lean and strong.

从肩膀到小腿, 你会成为精干强.

Don't worry, we're not going near those calves.

别担心,我们不会 附近的小牛。

Her dad sweetened the pot with two fatted calves and a goat.

她父亲用两头小牛 和一只山羊使大麻的味道 更香甜.

Fatigue Constipation Pains or weakness in the calves and legs, especially when you lay down to sleep at night

疲劳 便秘 小腿和脚疼痛或虚弱无力(特别是晚上躺下睡觉时 ) 。

But the mother pronghorn must leave her calves alone while she grazes and with legs as wobbly as stilts their best defence is to lie low.

但当母亲吃草时 她的小牛就只好被丢在一旁 他们的腿像高跷一样晃来晃去 所以最好的防卫还是躺下


结果: 519. 精确: 519. 用时: 20毫秒


